With the economic impacts of COVID-19 being felt across the country, more businesses are resorting to restructure and redundancy to survive the downturn. As a result, HR managers and teams are finding themselves in the increasingly challenging position of transitioning staff with little to no planning.
While communicating change and organising outplacement are best done months in advance, this is a luxury many businesses don’t have at the moment. So, if you’ve found yourself in the unenviable situation of organising outplacement fast, here’s what you need to know to make sure you select the right outplacement provider for your team.
1. Collaborative approach
An outplacement provider should work collaboratively with you and provide highly responsive services when you need it. While their top priority will be to ensure a smooth transition for redundant staff, your outplacement provider should also offer you support around the separation conversation and be available as a resource immediately after to assist with the debrief.
2. Coverage of programs
When it comes to outplacement, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. C-suite executives, managers and blue-collar workers have different needs and requirements through job searching and the recruitment process, and as such need different levels of support and guidance.
The right outplacement provider will have a range of different programs that can be adapted to meet the needs of your transitioning team. Programs around entrepreneurship and transitioning to retirement can also be a great value-add for those staff who may want to take their career in a different direction.
3. Calibre of coaching
One of the most significant factors that determine whether your outplacement program is successful is the calibre of coaching provided. An outplacement provider’s ability to breakdown walls, impart knowledge, build confidence and inspire and motivate transitioning staff to be proactive through the job search process is crucial for the fast placement of staff being made redundant.
Be sure to ask about their coaches, their level of experience, and their approach to outplacement. Make sure there is a strong track record of successful career transitions and personal coaching – not just group coaching – to ensure transitioning staff receive a tailored program that meets them where they are.
4. Cost
Often, the cost is usually the biggest determining factor when it comes to choosing an outplacement provider. While it should certainly factor into the decision, it’s important to remember that you do get what you pay for with outplacement. When comparing costs, make sure you understand what is and isn’t included so you can make sure you are comparing like for like. Does your provider offer a service promise to back up their outplacement offer?
It also pays to remember that outplacement is a safeguard payment to ensure your staff leave your organisation in the best way possible. For this reason, you should choose an outplacement provider who you feel will represent you in the best light as they will be the last touchpoint a transitioning staff member has with your company before they head out into the job market.
Need to organise outplacement for your team?
With more than 7,500 people successfully transitioned into new roles, at Turning Point Partners we ensure you part on good terms with your staff, providing onsite support and tailored outplacement programs that help staff transition into the next stage of their careers. Call us today on 1300 27 83 45.
For more tips on navigating change download the TPP HR Manager’s Toolkit.