By all means join in with the karaoke but getting wild and crazy may not be in your best interest.
Ah yes it is that time of the year and as the title so aptly explains, how do we survive the silly season office parties?
Whilst some relish in taking a break from the office and letting their down other find this annual event with a less enthusiastic approach. Christine Comaford, contributor at, helps us start 2016 on the right foot and find balance in by treating the office party as an opportunity rather than a chore.
Foremost have fun. The end of year Christmas party is a way to celebrate, acknowledge and reward everyone for their efforts through out the year.
Make sure you mingle with those colleagues you may not have had the chance to talk to in the office. This is also an opportunity to mix with your “leaders, peers, and direct reports on ‘level ground'”.
Office parties are the perfect opportunity to build a rapport with your colleagues. Be it negative or positive it’s a chance to show co-workers different qualities they haven’t seen before. “If your peer is naturally a victim during work hours, what role does he take on when he’s in a more relaxed environment? He may show that he is an outcome creator! Does your boss switch from a persecutor to an action creator when he’s sporting an elf hat while eating fruit cake?”
Parties are a great way to relax and let our walls come down, but maintaining balance is key so don’t forget you are still a professional event. “By all means join in with the karaoke but getting wild and crazy may not be in your best interest.”