Leaders have to treat culture building as an engineering discipline, not a magical one.

Mark Brand of  Turning Point Partners shares his strategies in culture building.

“We’ve found that answering three questions can help transform culture from a mystery to a science: 1) How does culture drive performance? 2) What is culture worth? 3) What processes in an organization affect culture?

If we substitute the word culture with behaviours we get a lot closer to the answers.

How does organisation and individual behaviours drive performance?

What is organisational behaviours (SMART Tribes) worth?

What processes & systems (as people and groups are largely systems) affect collective organisational behaviours?”

‘A great culture is not easy to build — it’s why high performing cultures are such a powerful competitive advantage. Building a culture within an organisation cannot be left to chance and and must be carefully cultivated and nurtured. Leaders have to treat culture building as an engineering discipline, not a magical one.’ Source: Harvard Business Review 

Need help in your organisation? At Turning Point Partners we are in the business of change. Whether you need to restructure, prepare for acquisition or merger, or simply become more innovative, agile and efficient, Turning Point Partners can work with you to create lasting positive change and a more profitable, measurably higher performing organisation. Give us a call today on 1300 278 345 or email friendlyteam@turningpointpartners.com.au