Welcome to a New Year and New Challenges!

We want our first newsletter for 2016 to be a little different, therefore our focus is on the questions:

How can we face new challenges in 2016?

What are the key traits we need to identify and embrace as we reset our thinking?

How can we build momentum and gain traction? What ‘Game Changing Tools’ do we need as a leader in 2016?


The Tool? Reframing 

By definition Reframing is a way of viewing and experiencing events, ideas, concepts and emotions to find more useful alternatives. Sometimes the whole team can be stuck in a cycle of negative distortive thinking.

Humans create distortions. The brain naturally and usefully deletes, distorts and generalizes. This is necessary for survival as without this capability we would simply be overwhelmed with input. However, occasionally these distortions can get grooved into a not-so-useful pattern. Look out for some common distortions listed in the table below:

Reframing here allows you to shift your thinking and expand your perception – but you can’t do it alone!!

Turning Point Partners has designed personalised Executive Coaching roadmaps and conversations for C-suite and senior managers to understand holistically their leadership strengths and gaps developing purposeful executive coaching programs.

View our case study here on what ROI executive coaching can provide.

A properly tailored executive coaching programme will include looking at business skills, interpersonal skills and behaviours (perceptions). It will also consider the business environment and culture within which the executive is expected to perform. Finally, it should seek to deliver a sustainable improvement in personal and business performance that can be measured.

Need help in your organisation? At Turning Point Partners we are in the business of change. Whether you need to restructure, prepare for acquisition or merger, or simply become more innovative, agile and efficient, Turning Point Partners can work with you to create lasting positive change and a more profitable, measurably higher performing organisation. Give us a call today on 1300 278 345 or email friendlyteam@turningpointpartners.com.au